Litigation & Dispute resolution

»The firm is a renowned litigation powerhouse«.
Chambers 2020
The firm is renowned for handling high profile commercial disputes, administrative proceedings and investigations. By integrating our leading litigation capability with other practice areas, the firm provides a unique and comprehensive service to our clients.
We are regularly involved in high-stakes disputes arising from various business transactions and regulatory investigations which allows us to always stay on top of the most recent procedural and substantive developments. At the same time, we understand the need for practical, commercially sound, and long-term solutions for our clients’ business.
Our team of trial lawyers builds on decades of experience in representing clients before commercial and other courts, arbitration tribunals, and various administrative bodies such as the Securities Market Agency, Slovenian Competition Authority, Tax Administration, Agency for Communication Networks and Services, as well as institutions of the EU.
We offer market-leading advice and representation in all types of commercial disputes as well as expertise in certain specialised areas of litigation:
- banking, finance & securities disputes,
- competition litigation & antitrust damages,
- corporate & M&A disputes,
- intellectual property disputes,
- restructuring & insolvency litigation,
- administrative & regulatory litigation,
- state aid litigation,
- tax investigations, and
- white collar defence & related civil claims.
Miklošičeva cesta 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana | Phone: + 386 (0)1 3078 300 | Fax: + 386 (0)1 3078 310 | Email: zdolsek@zdolsek.com | LinkedIn